Cool About Coconuts

A switch to a raw, vegan, natural foods lifestyle requires a little creativity and a lot of getting used to. It may feel at first as if we are giving up more than we are gaining.

When I became a ‘raw dude’ I expanded my tastes by experimenting and trying different foods that I previously paid little or no attention to. One of these newfound treasures was coconut.

I am blessed to live in a tropical climate where coconuts grow in abundance so that also had an influence on my desire to include more coconut in my daily diet. I’ve heard amazing things about the healing properties of coconut oil- some of which I will share in this article in hopes that you’ll be convinced to give coconut a try.

You can’t keep a good oil down!

The false and misleading information that has been widely distributed marking coconut oil, or saturated fats, as bad was pushed by the corn oil industry. As we know, whenever huge profits are at stake, the truth is hidden and replaced with lies to support the profit agenda.

However, coconut oil which is far more nutritious and beneficial than corn oil, safflower oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, and even olive oil- contains no dangerous trans-fatty acids. Trans-fats can raise LDLs, commonly known as ‘bad’ cholesterol, and lead to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and more.

Coconut oil increases metabolism and supports healthy weight loss.

Coconut oil’s saturated fat is a medium-chain fatty acid which means it is digested more easily than other fats. Whereas, other fats are stored in the body’s cells, the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are rapidly broken down and converted into energy putting less strain on the liver, pancreas, and digestive system. By activating the metabolism, coconut oil is outstanding for those with thyroid issues. A switch to a raw, vegan, natural foods lifestyle requires a little creativity and a lot of getting used to. It may feel at first as if we are giving up more than we are gaining.

When I became a ‘raw dude’ I expanded my tastes by experimenting and trying different foods that I previously paid little or no attention to. One of these newfound treasures was coconut.

I am blessed to live in a tropical climate where coconuts grow in abundance so that also had an influence on my desire to include more coconut in my daily diet. I’ve heard amazing things about the healing properties of coconut oil- some of which I will share in this article in hopes that you’ll be convinced to give coconut a try.

You can’t keep a good oil down!

The false and misleading information that has been widely distributed marking coconut oil, or saturated fats, as bad was pushed by the corn oil industry. As we know, whenever huge profits are at stake, the truth is hidden and replaced with lies to support the profit agenda.

However, coconut oil which is far more nutritious and beneficial than corn oil, safflower oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, and even olive oil- contains no dangerous trans-fatty acids. Trans-fats can raise LDLs, commonly known as ‘bad’ cholesterol, and lead to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and more.

Coconut oil increases metabolism and supports healthy weight loss.

Coconut oil’s saturated fat is a medium-chain fatty acid which means it is digested more easily than other fats. Whereas, other fats are stored in the body’s cells, the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are rapidly broken down and converted into energy putting less strain on the liver, pancreas, and digestive system. By activating the metabolism, coconut oil is outstanding for those with thyroid issues. Coconut oil is antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-cancerous. It enhances the immune system by destroying lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, herpes, influenza, and various pathogenic bacteria.

There are many uses for pure, virgin coconut oil. If you are interested in getting a more in-depth view of healthy saturated fats that should be included in your diet, Dr. Mary Enig‘s, Eat Fat, Lose Fat : The Healthy Alternative to Trans Fats, is a clear, understandable read on ‘good’ fats. Dr. Enig provides a lot of information on coconut oil as well as other healthy, saturated fats.

Uses of Coconut Oil:

* As a stable cooking oil
* salad dressing
* shakes, smoothies, juices
* skin moisturizer
* massage oil

I feel the best and most complete benefits come from the whole, natural coconut eaten regularly as a part of a natural foods diet. But if you don’t happen to have a coconut tree in your backyard then you must make sure you are getting the highest quality virgin coconut oil.

Some requirements to look for would be:

* certified organic, USDA standards
* low-level heating to preserve natural nutrients
* made from fresh coconuts, not dried
* no chemical additives
* no refinement
* non-GMO
* no hydrogenation
* no hybridized coconuts

Superior quality makes a big difference, not only in regards to health and safety, but also in regards to taste and cooking quality if you use it in sautees and stir-frys. However you use your coconut oil, you can be assured that you are fortifying yourself with healthy, natural foods that taste good and are good for you!


Children’s Vitamins

 Many parents are concerned that their children do not consume the proper foods they need to stay strong and healthy. The truth is children can be picky eaters. Some children will go through stages where they will refuse to eat anything other than a favorite food, while other children will try new foods, but do not take to them.


Children’s vitamins are available to parents who want to ensure their children are receiving the necessary nutrients he or she needs to grow strong and healthy. Even parents who have children who eat well are supplementing their children’s diet with vitamins. The fact is the earth’s soil is rapidly being depleted of nutrients, and the rigors of food processing also leaves many foods deficient in vitamins and minerals.

Children’s vitamins are packaged in such a way that they are attractive to children. Most children’s vitamins come in colorful and fun shapes. Many manufacturers of children’s vitamins are packaging their vitamins in lollipop, gum ball and gummy bear varieties. Because these vitamins resemble candy, it is important that you keep them away from a child’s reach and that you monitor their intake. If you find your child has taken extra vitamins, you should consult their pediatrician or your local poison control center.

There are instances when a pediatrician will prescribe vitamins for a child. If a child has a vitamin deficiency, does not have access to fluoridated water, or has anemia or other illness or disease, vitamin supplements may be prescribed for a child. However, in general, many pediatricians believe that children do not need vitamin supplements if they are being fed properly. They feel that children can receive all the vitamins and minerals they need if they eat according to the Food Pyramid. Consult with your child’s pediatrician before starting them on a vitamin. Vitamins are supplements and not replacements. Children’s vitamin supplements should never be looked upon as a replacement for healthy eating. Encourage your child to eat the foods they need, and do things to make nutrition fun and flavorful for them. For instance, letting children add grated cheese to their vegetables will make some children more interested in eating them. Allowing a child to drink calcium fortified orange juice over milk works well for a child who does not like milk. Let your child participate in making a vegetable pizza, or let them pick out fruit at a market and place it in their own special area at home. All of these tips can go a long way in helping a picky eaters overcome their fears so they consume the vitamins they need.’s-Vitamins

Alternative Gout Treatment

healthy lifestyle

The treatment of gout entails a decrease in the protein intake of a patient suffering from this type of disease. For many years doctors have tried to decrease protein while allowing the usual fats and gelatinous stocks, this has brought about a significant decrease in the occurrence of gout attacks, while preventing the buildup of uric acid.

Cherry juice was also used to prevent uric acid buildup and lessen the attacks of gout. An intake of one teaspoon of cherry juice twice a day has kept some gout patients from experiencing an attack. Aside from the cherry juice, high-vitamin cod liver oil is also needed to supply the vitamin A required by gout patients. It is usually taken in the dosage of 1 teaspoon per day. The high-vitamin cod liver oil is also ideal for hindering the build up of uric acid, and is excellent nourishment for the kidneys.

It is also better to avoid purine-rich foods like organ meats, including liver, heart, kidneys and sweet breads. Likewise, herring, mackerel, anchovies and trout are also rich sources of purines. Peanuts are technically considered as legumes, however the purine content compared to other legumes such as lentils, peas and beans is much lower.

Moreover, as part of the gout treatment, doctors also advise a weight control program. They do not want patients using crash diets and rapid weight loss, which can trigger the gout, but they do advice patients to take off extra weight to help their condition. Increases in fluid intake are also recommended to dilute the uric acid in the urine. This also helps in preventing the formation of kidney stones made of uric acid. Drinking of two to three liters of water a day assists in diluting the uric acid and also aids in bowel movement. Your liquid intake may consist of not only water but also herbal teas, vegetable juices, milk, unsweetened fruit juices and soup.

Likewise, limiting the intake of alcohol and caffeine is also beneficial to gout patients since alcohol contains purines and interferes with the body’s excretion of uric acid. Beer is rich in purines. Heavy drinking also increases body weight and blood triglycerides, which are two factors that are believed to be important contributors to gout. Moderate drinking is unlikely to induce an attack of gout.

You can also take vitamin B12 supplements (or better yet eat foods that are rich in vitamin B12 such as meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products). Remember to include moderate levels of these foods as most of them do also contain purine.

Black berries are great for preventing an attack of gout. Plus, don’t forget to add raw seeds such as pumpkin and flax seeds to your diet. Likewise, fish oil supplements that contain omega 3 fatty acids are ideal for reducing joint inflammation. Increasing your intake of vegetables and fruits will also help in preventing further gout attacks.



C-Reactive Protein, the New Testing Standard

he latest factor to determine your risk of a heart attack is the C-Reactive Protein (CRP) test. CRP is a molecule produced by the liver in response to an inflammatory response. A simple blood test can check your CRP level. A reading of 3.0 or higher triples your risk for a heart attack.

Under normal circumstances, inflammation is a short term condition; signs include swelling, redness, and warmth. The swelling and redness are caused by extra blood flow to the injured area. This brings in more infection fighting white blood cells to the area. The warmth is another of your body’s defense mechanisms. Microbes are killed by heat. In the short term, this is not a problem.

When chronic inflammation is present, the CRP levels increase. Chronic inflammation can be caused by rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, long-term infections, smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure. It is also caused by plaque buildup in the blood vessels. There is now evidence that chronic low-grade inflammation causes atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.
Here are ways to lower CRP:

1. Lower Your Stress – proven methods include exercise, meditation, laughter, and having pets

2. Diet – olive oil, walnuts, salmon, mackerel, herring, tomatoes, blueberries, eggplant, grains, whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables all have an anti-inflammatory effect

3. Smoking – just another reason to stop

4. Dental Hygiene – science has linked cavities, gingivitis, and missing teeth to cardiovascular disease; the same bacteria that causes tooth decay, causes inflammation in the blood vessels

5. Lose Weight – fat cells secrete inflammation causing proteins into the bloodstream

6. Air Pollution – long-term exposure to car exhaust and coal power plants provokes inflammation

7. Alcohol – one drink per day has an anti-inflammatory effect

The following medications are being studied for their cardiovascular anti-inflammatory effect:

1. Statins – aside from lowering cholesterol, they may reduce CRP levels in just two weeks

2. ACE Inhibitors – lowers blood pressure as well as CRP3. Diabetes Meds – Actos and Avandia have been shown to lower CRP

4. Aspirin – current research looks promising, another reason to take a daily aspirin

5. Multivitamins – showen to reduce CRP by 1/3 after six months

Researchers are still studying the exact connection between inflammation and heart disease. I would recommend adding a CRP test next time you are getting a routine blood test. It is rather inexpensive and could shine some light on a possible problem before it is too late.

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